Well another Christmas has come and gone. Over all rating? Not bad. Kelsy and I felt bad about not deciding not to give something to each other this year. But we were able to get the girls what we wanted to get them.
We had everyone come to our house this year for Christmas lunch. We also had her parents and her brother's family over on Christmas Eve. As usual, we asked her mother to refrain from over doing the gifts for the girls, and guess what. She didn't. The girls were LOADED up again. Tons of stuff. She also got Kelsy and I a new printer, one just like she got earlier this year. It's really nice, one of the multifunction printers that faxes/scans/prints and copies. And to my surprise, I opened a Basketball from her. I was confused, looked up at her and scratched my head. Then she said there was a note attached to the top. I read the note. It had an arrow pointing to the picture of the basketball goal on the top, with a note that said, "It's in the car. It's too heavy to move, so I'm not going to move it again."

That's one of those things I wouldn't have considered asking for, but I wouldn't mind having. I love basketball, but lately haven't been able to play much. I do need to exercise, and that's probably the best thing to do for me.
Anyway, after all was done, I cleaned up lunch and all the food, letting Kelsy rest and visit with her family. It was my small gift to her. The girls played with all their things, and had a lot of fun. Emily's main gift from us, was a new digital camera. Kelsy and Emily are going to start working on scrapbooking and she thought the camera would be handy to have. For Alea, her main gift from us was a bicycle.
Now as for the things that they played with the most, so far Emily's is her new Quantum Pad. It's like the Leap Pad, but for older kids. She's been loving that. But she also got good use out of her new Crystal Chess set. Grandpa Crop got that for her. We broke it in yesterday with quite a few rounds of Chess.
For Alea, she got a Ty Hummingbird, Nectar, just like one she had lost before. The girls also both got a glow stick, similar to the ones that you snap and that lasts a few hours. This one has batteries and a switch. They are really cool.
Today, they are going to pick up her mom, and go hit a few stores to check out the after Christmas specials. Hopefully it will be productive for them.
And finally, the weather. This morning I got up, and we had a light dusting of snow on the cars and on the bushes. But we do have a snow warning in effect until tomorrow morning. The snow level is supposed to drop down to 500 feet tonight, and we're sitting at around 275 feet in elevation. We're supposed to have some stronger storms come through over night, so we might actually have some snow on the ground tomorrow. I certainly hope so. That would be a nice closer for Christmas.
Anyway, that about does it for updates. I hope you all had a great Christmas and have a great New Year.